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Pre-tied bowtie Unique-shapes

作り結び蝶ネクタイ ユニーク形

Design-pattern  Ultra Pointed End ウルトラポインテッド(超鋭角端)

End-shape  Other Shapes     Type  Pre-Tied Bowtie

​Finished-Size ​[threefold-type] height:about 4- 4.5cm    length:about 13cm

ウルトラ,ポインテッド,超鋭角端,蝶ネクタイ,ボウタイ,ブランド,標本,通販,bow tie,specimens,types,brand,japan

Historical record, Fashion ------

The "Ultra Pointed End" is a sharper Pointed end bow tie. There are self-tie bow tie and pre-tied bow tie.


While the tip of the normal Pointed end shape is about 90 degrees, the "Ultra Pointed End" shape has a sharp angle of about 65 degrees.


As a historical model, there is a sharp pointed neckwear worn by the 19th century French poet Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867). His photograph taken in 1855 is a precious evidence from the 1850's when the bow tie started to derive from neckwear such as the Cravat and Stock-tie.

歴史・流行 --------






Ultra-pointed end,ウルトラポインテッドエンド
ウルトラ,ポインテッド,超鋭角端,蝶ネクタイ,ボウタイ,ブランド,標本,通販,bow tie,specimens,types,brand,japan
ウルトラ,ポインテッド,超鋭角端,蝶ネクタイ,ボウタイ,ブランド,標本,通販,bow tie,specimens,types,brand,japan
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