Pre-tied bowtie Square-end
作り結び蝶ネクタイ スクエアエンド形
■Bowtie-pattern name
Small butterfly
■End-shape category
Pre-tied bowtie
スモール バタフライ
縦 5~5.5cm
横 7.5~8.5cm
Historical record, Fashion ------
The "Small butterfly" or "Mini butterfly" bow tie is smaller than the "Standard butterfly". In particular, it can often be found in the historical photos of the United States in the 1890s and European/American photos until the 1920's. Since then, it seems to have been favored by minorities.
The "Small butterfly" fits well within the horizontal length of the shirt collar when viewed from the front. Because it gives a unique impression compared to the normal size "Standard butterfly", it is easy to match not only suit style but also casual style.