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14.Regate knot


How to tie a bow tie,蝶ネクタイの結び方 23通り,14.Regate knot 合掌結び
How to tie a bow tie,蝶ネクタイの結び方 23通り,14.Regate knot 合掌結び

Régate Bow Knot / Gassho Knot
This is a  knot in which the end parts are spread to the left and right after tying a Plain-knot. Historically, we can see many pre-tied-tie of the same silhouette in French commercial advertisement in the early 1900's, called Régate, which seems to signify a regatta boat. Gassho-Knot was named after the Japanese style of joining two hands together for prayer, Gassho, 合掌, which has a similar silouette.

合掌結び / レガートタイノット / リガートタイノット


How to tie a bow tie,蝶ネクタイの結び方,14.Regate knot 合掌結び
The vintage regate tie (early 1900s)
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